William Matthews Bookseller ~ Online Catalogues

General Catalogue. Antiquarian & Miscellaneous Books.



1...... Ambrozic (Katarina)  Ana Beslic.  City Museum of Subotica, 1983.  Oblong colour pictorial wrappers. 172pp. Some wrinkling to lower corner and light spine wear, but a very good copy. Bilingual, the text first in Serbian, followed by a section of plates in black & white and colour, and then the text again in English . An extensive catalogue and biography of this noted Serbian sculptor. The English translation is by Pierre Rouve. 500 copies were printed.  $25.00  


2...... Anonymous.  Les Roses du Vaudeville  Paris: Chez Le Fuel, et Delaunay, [1822].  12mo. A small volume in colour pictorial boards, in the original colour illustrated paper slipcase. Hand coloured extra title, and 11 elegant little hand coloured plates. Aside from evidence of an old stain to the rear cover, and some modest foxing of the preliminary and final leaves, condition is fine, with only moderate wear to the slipcase. A collection of french dramas of the period, charmingly illustrated.  $300.00  


3...... Auerbach (Charlotte)  Genetics in the Atomic Age. Illustrations by I.G. Auerbach.  Fair Lawn, NJ: Essential Books, Inc., 1956. First American edition.  Red boards, spine lettered in gilt. A nice clean copy in a very slightly used pictorial dust jacket. "An account of heredity & mutation by one of the world' s foremost pioneers in these fields..."  $20.00  


4...... Aufrere (Anthony)  A Warning to Britons Against French Perfidy and Cruelty: or, A Short Account of the treacherous and inhuman Conduct of the French Officers and Soldiers towards the Peasants of Suabia during the Invasion of Germany in 1796...  London: Printed for T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, in the Strand; and J. Wright, and J. Hatcherd, in Piccadilly, 1798.  72pp. Taped into later boards, unlabelled. Leaves are hand-numbered with higher numbers, indicating that this was bound into a volume with other works at some point. First edition under this title; originally published in 1797 as: The Cannibals' pro gress...  This copy is of the variant having 'Hatcherd' for 'Hatchard' in the imprint. A popular work which saw numerous edition, including several in the USA. A truly bloody account of the French invasion of Germany, replete with descriptions of al l manner of atrocities.  $225.00  


5...... Bates (Charles Austin)  A Sight Draft on the Sultan.  (New Haven: Printed by Bradley & Scoville), 1925.  8pp. A stapled booklet in stiff wrappers, lettered in black & red. Printed in black & red. Small ownership stamp embossed in front cover, otherwise fine. A short tale in favor of direct-mail advertising. Bates wrote and published several similar wor ks. This one is uncommon.  $15.00  


6...... Bellairs (Kenneth Ffarington)  Saturdays to Mondays. Being Jottings from the Note-Books of Kenneth Ffarington Bellairs on Some Phases of Country Life, Yachting, Deep Sea Fishing, With Dog and Gun, Etc. Etc. With Illustrations by W.C. Keene, J. Temple, and H.C. Seppings Wright.  London: T.P. Chapman, 1888. First edition.  [Bound With]: Saturdays to Mondays. (Second Series). (1888). The two volumes bound together in one volume: 2-tone cloth, black with a red spine, small hand- lettered paper label on spine. Frontispieces, and several inserted plates of sporting, angli  ng, gold mining, pheasant rearing, etc. An uncommon collection of sketches originally published in the Weekly Bulletin.  $75.00  


7...... Berry (M.V.) -et al. -editors.  Dynamical Chaos. Proceedings of A Royal Society Discussion Meeting Held on 4 and 5 February 1987. Organized and Edited by M.V. Berry, I.C. Percival, and N.O. Weiss.  London: The Royal Society, 1987.  Black cloth, spine lettered in gold. 200pp. Illustrated with charts and diagrams. Slight dust soiling, otherwise fine.  $20.00  


8...... Blake (G.R.)  Scotland of the Scots.  London, etc.: Pitman, 1918. First edition.  Green cloth, front cover lettered in blind, spine lettered in gilt. Frontispiece & 16 illustrations, folding map at rear. Slight spine wear, but a clean, very good copy.  $25.00  


9...... Blanchard (Pierre)  Mythologie de La Jeunesse; Ouvrage Elementaire, par Demandes et par Reponses... Neuvieme Edition, Ornee de 127 Fig.  Paris: Chez Le Prieur, 1816. Neuvieme Edition.  12mo. Contemporary speckled boards, unlettered red leather spine & corners. Frontispiece and 31 inserted plates, containing 127 engraved figures of mythological beings. Modest shelf wear and bumping to corners, some foxing and discoloration to the m  argins of some plates, but in general a very agreeable copy, quite clean. Lessons in mythologie, presented in a question & answer format, with somewhat crude, but charming illustrations.  $125.00  


10..... Bourne (Henry)  Antiquitates Vulgares; or, the Antiquities of the Common People. Giving An Account of several of their Opinions and Ceremonies. With Proper Reflections upon each of them, shewing which may be retain'd, and which ought to be laid aside.  Newcastle: Printed by J. White for the Author, 1725. First edition.  xx + 232pp. + 8pp. index. 8vo. Ornamental woodcut headpieces and tailpieces throughout. This copy is basically disbound - original calf-covered boards have been recently re-attached and part of the original spine is laid in, but it certainly requires a binding. Internally it is generally very good; the text block is solid, some wrinkling of pages, scattered foxing, a bit of dust soiling, but complete & decent for the most part. An early work on English folklore. The author is critical of many heathen customs, and discusses the devil, haunted houses, superstition, occult matters, holidays including Christmas and New Years, Midsummer Eve, May Day, Candlemass Day. A scarce a... $400.00  


11..... Brillinger (P.C.) & B.L. Ehle and J.W. Graham.  An Introduction to the SPECTRE COMPUTER.  Waterloo, Ontario: Dept. of Applied Analysis and Computer Science, (1969).  96pp. A booklet bound in light green wrappers lettered in black. Some general wear, folds to rear cover, very good. A technical book on the use of the SPECTRE Computer at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. "These notes have been written to  provide an introduction to machine language and assembly language programming using a hypothetical computer called SPECTRE."  $25.00  


12..... Broby-Johsansen (Rud)  Kunstvejviser over Danmark. Lolland, Falster og Mon.  Hamlet, 1981.  98pp. Large format, green cloth designed and lettered in dark brown. A nice clean copy in a slightly worn dust jacket, some tears in the spine. Pictorial end papers. This is Volume 9 of the 15-volume set KUNSTVEJVISER OVER DANMARK. A history of art in Denmark, many illustrations.  $25.00  


13..... Broglie (Louis de) -compiler.  La Cybernetique. Theorie du Signal et de L'information. Reunions D'etudes et de Mises au Point...  Paris: Editions de la Revue D'optique Theorique et Instrumentale, 1951.  318pp. Red cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Original front wrapper bound in, fine condition. A compilation of essays by Robert Fortet, M.D. Injoudjian, Dennis Gabor, Jean Ville, others.  $45.00  


14..... Buffalo Bill  Buffalo Bill's store vovestykke. En fortaelling fra det vestlige Amerika. Oversat fra engelsk.  St. Paul, Minn.: Capital Publishing Co., [c.1910).  White pictorial wrappers, designed and lettered in black. Slight staining and chipping to edges, some browning of paper, but a very fresh and clean copy. A Norwegian edition. Also seen in another issue, published in Minneapolis by J. Leachman.  $50.00  


15..... Caley (Earle Radcliffe)  The Composition of Ancient Greek Bronze Coins.  Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1939.  Original blue wrappers lettered in black. Several plates of photomicrographs at the rear. Moderate wear at edges, a few page corners folded, very good otherwise. Issued as Volume XI of the Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society.  $20.00  


16..... Carette (Madame, nee Bouvet)  The Inner Life of the Court of the Tuileries. From the French of Madame Carette by Edward Wakefield.  NY: Collier, 1889/1890/1891.  3 volumes. Original wrappers. All issued in the Once A Week Library: Volume 1, No. 9, December 15, 1889 / Vol. 1, No. 24, August 1, 1890 / Vol. III, No. 9, December 10, 1891. The first volume is in pink pictorial wrappers, the second in white wrappe rs, and the third, smaller format, is in salmon printed wrappers. Old stains to the covers of all three volumes, most notably the first two, otherwise all are generally very good. Translated from the French work: Souvenirs intimes de la cour des Tui leries. There is also an Appleton edition of 1889.  $45.00  


17..... Caulfield (James) [published anonymously].  The Lives and Portraits of Remarkable Characters, Drawn From the Most Authentic Sources. A New Edition.  London: J. Arnett, 1820. New Edition.  12mo. 2 volumes. 204pp. + [204]pp. Red half-calf & textured cloth, top edge gilt. Marbled end papers. Spines decorated and lettered in gilt. A bit of wear to hinges, bookplates on front end papers, evidence of some repair to inner rear hinges; in ge neral, an attractive, very good set. Extra-illustrated with a number of plates. By our reckoning, there are 60 portraits which were issued when published, and an additional 16 which were added when bound, including two folding plates and one origina l water-colour. One folding plate is the frontispiece for Volume 1; the water-colour is of Mrs. Seagoe, a character who is not represented in one of the published portraits. A pleasant set. This work is a new edition of THE ECCENTRIC MAGAZINE, which  was originally compiled and edited sucessively by Henry Lemoine... $400.00  


18..... Ceramics.  Earth & Fire. Ceramics Donated by the National Museum of Chinese History. Beijing, China.  (Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1991).  Glossy pictorial boards. Blue end papers. Small private ownership stamp on page edges and end papers, about fine. [144]pp. A nicely printed catalogue, many colour illustrations of fine Chinese ceramics from all ages. Text in Chinese and English.  $45.00  


19..... Cezar (Filiberto de Oliveira)  Leyendas de los Indios Quichuas. Ilustrado por F. Fortuny.  Buenos Aires: R. Puig, 1892 (1893). Segunda Edicion.  Original pictorial wrappers. Illustrated. Wear and foxing to spine, foxing to edges of covers and pages, old dampstain to fore-edge and margins of last half of the book; spine is partly detached, and somewhat chipped at base of spine, but basically complete. The title page is dated 1892, but the cover is dated 1893, and bears the legend "Segunda Edicion".  $35.00  


20..... Chambers (William and Robert) -publishers.  Chambers's Papers For The People. Volume XI.  Edinburgh: Chambers, 1851. First edition.  Glazed yellow decorative boards, designed in green and red. Patterned end papers. This volume contains Numbers 81 - 88. Moderate shelf wear to edges, some rubbing at hinges, erasure from front end paper, but in general a very nice, clean copy. This is the proper first edition, with the ads on the front endpaper going up to only Volume XI of the series.  $25.00  


21..... Claughton (Lilian M.)  Charles H. Jeffries. From 'Skeleton' to Salvationist Leader.  London: Salvationist Publishing and Supplies, 1946.  Red cloth lettered in gilt. Marbled end papers. Some discoloration of cloth, otherwise fine in the pictorial dust jacket, which shows some darkening at the spine. The inner panels of the dust jacket bear ads for other books by this publisher. Accord ing to the jacket panel, Jeffries was "Cockney leader of East-end opposition to the Salvation Army in the early eighties; by God's power transformed into a fighter for him..."  $25.00  


22..... Clucas (G.F.) -compiler.  Peel Castle. This Account of Peel Castle was compiled for official use by Mr. G.F. Clucas, C.B.E., Speaker of the House of Keys.  Douglas: Brown & Sons, 1928.  22pp. Original light brown wrappers, sewn, lettered in black. Frontispiece, 4 illustrations (on two leaves, front & back), and large folding map at the rear. Light wear to edges, a nice copy.  $20.00  


23..... Connell (Jonathan H.)  Minimalist Mobile Robotics. A Colony-style Architecture for an Artificial Creature.  Boston, etc.: Academic Press, (1990).  Glossy boards. 178pp. Fine condition. Issued as volume 5 in the Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence Series. Illustrated with photos, diagrams and charts.  $20.00  


24..... Corvin [-Wiersbitzki, O.J.B.Von]  Pfaffenspiegel. Historische Denkmale des fanatismus in der Romisch-Katholischer kirche. Von Corvin.  Zurich: Expedition des Pfaffenspiegel, [c.1930s]. Funfte Auflage.  Red pictorial cloth designed and lettered in black. Black coated end papers. Pictorial title page. A bit of dust soiling, but a very good copy. A few relevant clippings laid in. An expose of the aberrations of the Catholic clergy, and their sexual e scapades. The book became notorious under the title "Mirror of Popes".  Many editions exist, in several languages; the first edition was published in Leipzig in 1845.  $35.00  


25..... Crone (Rainer) and David Moos. Paintings by Tony Scherman.  The Rape Of IO. A Cycle of Paintings by Tony Scherman.  Amsterdam: Galerie Barbara Farber, (1993).  72pp. Stiff wrappers. Large format. 28 colour plates, a very nice catalogue. Creases in a couple of pages in the middle, one slightly marking the corner of a colour plate, otherwise fine.  $25.00  


26..... Dale (Mary)  The Day Before Marriage. Hand painted page designs by Alice D. Bryant. Cover design by Howard Willard. Typography by Taylor's Printery.  Los Angeles: Warren T. Potter, (1916)  Tan cloth, front cover lettered in gilt. Original onion skin present, some chipping. Minor chipping to front cover lettering, but basically like new. An attractive little press book. 6 leaves contain hand-painted designs, several large, mostly flora  l. Blank pages at the rear for recording wedding guest and gifts, are unused.  $50.00  


27..... Dance of Death.  Der Totentanz in der Marienkirche zu Lubeck.  Lubeck: Bernhard Mohring, [nd, ca.1950]  Green oblong wrappers, printed in black. No text, just a long fold-out reproduction, evidently reproduced from an edition of 1701. Light wear to folds, very good. A small booklet.  $15.00  


28..... Davis (Charles G.)  Motor Boating For Boys. Illustrated.  NY & London: Harper, 1913. First edition.  Slate pictorial cloth designed in dark blue, spine lettered in gilt. Frontispiece & many illustrations in the text, some photographic. An advance copy, with a 'to be published' information sticker on the front end paper. Issued in the series: Harper 's Practical Books For Boys. Moderate shelf wear to lower edge, but a nice copy in a chipped pictorial dust jacket, lacking a portion of the upper spine, and somewhat soiled. A scarce dust jacket.  $45.00  


29..... De Fontaine (F. G.) - Editor.  Birds of a Feather Flock Together or Talks With Sothern. Edited by F.G. De Fontaine.  NY: Carlton/London: Low, 1878. First American edition.  Two-tone cloth, red & black, designed in silver and black on front cover, spine lettered in gilt. Purple end papers. Frontispiece & decorative title page, and several illustrations. Some wear to top of spine, moderate shelf wear, a bright very good copy, very fresh internally. Memoirs of the great English actor.  $45.00  


30..... Denscher (Bernhard)  Gold Gab Ich Fur Eisen. Osterreichische Kriegsplakate 1914-1918.  (Wien-Munchen): Jugend und Volk, (1987).  White pictorial cloth designed in black. [144]pp. Patterned armorial end papers. Some wear to back cover, small sticker-tear to front end paper; generally, a nearly fine copy. Many plates in colour. A Study of Austrian poster art of WWI.  $75.00  


31..... Dorfman (Ariel) and Armand Mattelart  How To Read Donald Duck. Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic. Translation and Introduction by David Kunzle.  NY: International General, (1975). First printing of this edition.  Colour pictorial wrappers, comic book format. 112pp. Many illustrations and reproductions from Disney comics. One crease in spine, slight soiling of back cover, nice otherwise. First published in Chile in 1971, this is the first edition in English. The classic, critical and humorous study of cultural imperialism and children's literature; how the Disney fantasy world reproduces the "American Dream" fantasy world, and the disastrous effect of Disney comics and other "mass" cultural merchandise on the development of the so-called "Third" World. In 1973 this work was banned and burned in Chile, and later the English edition was banned for more than a year by the US government.  $25.00  


32..... Douglass (M.E.)  Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment According to the Law of the Similars.  Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1900. First American edition.  Green cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Floral end papers. Front end paper detached, but present. Inner front hinge broken, rear hinge loose, in general a very good copy otherwise. 11 Illustrations, 10 are in colour. An uncommon work on skin diseases, containing much on homoeopathy. There was an edition published in India in 1900, and the book was reprinted in 1995.  $45.00  


33..... Drescher (Gary L.)  Made-Up Minds. A Constructivist Approach to Artificial Intelligence.  Cambridge & London: MIT Press, (1991)  Black cloth. Some rubbing of cloth, but very good in a fine dust jacket. Published in the Artificial Intelligence Series. Drescher designs a computer program based on the cognitive-developmental theory of psychologist Jean Piaget.  $25.00  


34..... Drysdale (Russell)  Impressions of a Painter in Europe Today. A Lecture by Russell Drysdale.  (Sydney): Art Gallery Society of New South Wales, (1959).  Brown illustrated wrappers, stapled. A nice clean copy. Illustrated.  $15.00  


35..... Ducks  How We Make Ducks Pay. Actual, Successful Experience. Not Doubtful Theory. An Illustrated Guide to the Profitable Breeding of Our Modern Pekin All-White Mammoth Ducklings  Boston: American Pekin Duck Company, 1907.  Red cloth designed and lettered in white. Frontispiece & many photographic illustrations. Old stain at base of spine, but a nice,  bright copy of this uncommon duck book. A (later) sticker covers the imprint on the title page, listing the book as av  ailable from The Murray Printing Company, Cambridge.  $45.00  


36..... Durham (J.R.)  Night and Day. Recollections of an Island Doctor.  Lerwick: The Shetland Times, 1988.  Original pictorial wrappers. 82pp. A very good copy. Numerous photographic illustrations. The memoirs of a Scottish doctor in the Shetland Islands.  $20.00  


37..... Figuier (Louis)  Le Savant Du Foyer ou Notions Scientifiques sur les Objets Usuels de la Vie. Ouvrage Illustre a L'Usage de la Jeunesse.  Paris: Hachette, 1862.  Later half-cloth & marbled boards, marbled end papers. Original printed front wrapper bound in. Name on title page, scattered foxing, slight damage to the lower corner of a few late leaves; in general, a very nice, clean copy. Numerous plates, and i llustrations in the text. A pleasant illustrated overview of science, encompassing the atmosphere, plants & animals, minerals, etc.  $60.00  


38..... Foris (Maria) and Andreas Foris.  History Of Folk Cross Stitch. With 278 Coloured Charts collected from the Countries along the Danube... Translated and introduced by Heinz Edgar Kiewe. 4th Enlarged Edition With 75 Ancient Charts From The Holy Land.  Nuremberg: Sebaldus-Verlag, (1962). 4th Enlarged Edition.  [88]pp. Beige cloth lettered in brown. Notes in pen on the margins of some of the pages, and on some of the plates; otherwise a nice copy.  $20.00  


39..... Frazer (J.G.)  Totemism and Exogamy. A Treatise on Certain Early Forms of Superstition and Society. In Four Volumes.  London: Macmillan, 1910. First edition.  4 volumes. Original blue-gray cloth. Some shelf wear to lower edges, discoloration to end papers, some mottling of the spine on volume 4, some blemishes (silverfish?) to the edges of the covers of volume 3; in general, a very good set, and internall y clean & fresh. Folding maps at the end of volume 4.  $225.00  


40..... Giberne (Agnes)  The Ocean Of Air. Meteorology for Beginners. With a Preface by The Late Rev. C. Pritchard.  London: Seeley and Co., 1894. Fifth Thousand.  8vo. Full calf, spine gilt, device in gilt on front cover. Marbled edges and endpapers. A prize binding from the Edinburgh Institution. Frontispiece & 15 inserted plates. Black spot on front cover, blemish to calf on front cover (looks like a piece of tape was stuck on & pulled off), but a nice enough copy otherwise, internally clean and with the hinges in good shape.  $40.00  


41..... Gibson (Charles R.)  The Romance of Modern Manufacture. A Popular Account of the Marvels of Manufacturing. With 28 Illustrations & 16 Diagrams.  London: Seely, 1910.  Full red calf, covers ruled in gilt, spine elaborately designed and lettered in gilt. Marbled end papers. Frontispiece & 23 inserted plates, also 16 diagrams in the text. A bit of dust soiling, ownership signature dated 1912, but an unusually fine and bright copy, which looks like it has been wrapped up since 1912! Small bookseller's ticket from Brighton affixed to the front end paper. Illustrations are from photographs. An unusually nice copy.  $45.00  


42..... Goldsmith (Margaret)  Franz Anton Mesmer. The History of an Idea.  London: Arthur Barker, (1934). First British edition.  Green cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Frontispiece a bit wrinkled and partly loose, otherwise a clean very good copy in a slightly chipped and used dust jacket. A biography of this important scientist, with a bibliography and index.  $20.00  


43..... Gosse (Philip)  The Pirate's Who's Who. Giving Particulars of the Lives & Deaths of the Pirates & Buccaneers. Illustrated.  London: Dulau, 1924. First edition.  328pp. Red cloth, front cover stamped in blind, spine lettered and ruled in gilt. Frontispiece and 5 inserted plates. The front end paper is a map. Scattered foxing, mainly of page edges, front hinge a bit loose, but quite a nice bright copy. A biographical dictionary of pirates. This British edition is uncommon.  $90.00  


44..... Grant (W.V.) -compiler.  Opening the Prisons. Life & Ministry of Billy Joe Fain. Safe Cracker - Dope Peddler - Gangster.  Dallas: Faith Clinic, [1960s].  32pp., original wrappers with photographic illustrations. Some small stains to wrappers, crayon on rear cover, very good otherwise.  Tells the evangelist tale of a bad lad who turned to Jesus.  $20.00  


45..... Grotnik (Ewy)  Polskie Koledy I Pastoralki. Antologia w opracowaniu Ewy Grotnik.  Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, (1957).  [132]pp. Light brown cloth, blue star on front cover, spine lettered in red. Many illustrations. Pictorial end papers. A clean very good copy in a pictorial dust jacket, some chipping to edges of jacket. Nicely printed, an illustrated collection of Christmas carols and songs. Text in Polish.  $10.00  


46..... Guanon [pseudonym of Sarah Anne Matson].  St. George & The Dragon. A World-wide Legend Localised. By Guanon.  London: Wyman & Sons, 1885. First edition.  158pp. Original blue cloth stamped in blind, spine lettered in gilt. Brown coated end papers. Inscribed from the author on the title page: "Miss Andrew from Guanon." A bit of rubbing at extremities, a nice bright copy. Tipped to the front end paper is a small printed slip describing the source of this author's pseudonym, based on the Celtic word Guanon. Additionally, laid in are four printed poems by the author, published as "The Gleaner Letter-Freight", printed at Smith's Music Depot, Marazion, Cornwall. All are on pale blue-green paper, about 4 inches square, some very light wear to edges. All 4 are inscribed to "Miss Andrew from Guanon."  This is a historical work about the legend of Saint George & The Dragon. A scarce book, and the little music sheets are certainly rare.  $125.00  


47..... Gubernatis (Angelo de)  Zoological Mythology or The Legends of Animals. In Two Volumes.  London: Trubner, 1872. First edition.  Two volumes. 432pp. + 442pp. Original red cloth, beveled edges; ruled in black, designed and lettered in gilt. Brown coated end papers. Small bookplates on front end papers, small label pasted to front board of Volume 1. Very light wear; in general,  an attractive set in original cloth.  $300.00  


48..... Haggard (Lieut.-Colonel Andrew C.P.)  Remarkable Women of France (From 1431 to 1749). With a Frontispiece in Photogravure and Sixteen Other Illustrations in Half-Tone.  London: Stanley Paul, (1914). First edition.  Blue cloth lettered in  gilt on the spine, and reproducing the author's signature in gilt on the front cover. Frontispiece & 16 plates. Top edge gilt. Moderate rubbing, some discoloration of cloth, a bright very good copy in general. Signed by the a uthor, dated Victoria, B.C., 1917.  By the brother of H. Rider Haggard.  $60.00  


49..... Hall (Newman)  Gethsemane: or, Leaves of Healing from the Garden of Grief.  Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1891.  Brown cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Some wear to spine and edges, a very good copy. Meditations on grief.  $20.00  


50..... Henscheid (Eckhard) and Gerhard Henschel  Jahrhundert der OBSZONITAT. Eine Bilanz.  Berlin: Alexander Fest Verlag, 2000.  Blue boards lettered in white. A fine copy in a fine dust jacket. A hundred years of salacity.  $20.00  


51..... Hill (G. Birkbeck)  Footsteps of Dr. Johnson (Scotland). With Illustrations by Lancelot Speed.  Didsbury, Manchester: E.J. Morten, (c.1973).  Commemorative edition, limited to 500 copies. 2-tone brown cloth & boards, lettered in gilt. A nearly fine copy in glassine, which is chipped and shows some soiling. A facsimile of the 1890 first edition.  $50.00  


52..... Hine (Charles DeLano)  Letters From an Old Railway Official. To His Son, A Division Superintendant. With a Postscript by Frank M. Spearman.  Chicago: The Railway Age, 1904. First edition.  Original brown cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Light shelf wear to extremities, a few pencil notations within, but a clean very good copy.  $35.00  


53..... Hiroshima.  No More Hiroshima.  [publication data in japanese]  Original pictorial wrappers, yellow wrap-around band. 254pp. + one colophon leaf bearing a small sticker. Worming in margins, in some cases touching text, some soiling, paper browned at edges, old yellowed tape repairs to the wrap-around band, other wise very good. Contains one plate, of the bomb exploding, and several maps. The cover and all text is in Japanese, save for the title in English at the top of the front cover:  NO MORE HIROSHIMA.  $25.00  


54..... Hoffmann (Professor) -editor and translator.  The Illustrated Book of Patience Games (From the German). Translated and Edited by Professor Hoffmann.  London, etc.: George Routledge & Sons, 1892.  Blue-green pictorial cloth designed in red and black, lettered in gilt. Decorative title page, and many illustrations in black & red. Shelf wear to tips and edges, lots of pencil scribbling and juvenile art on preliminary and final leaves, a few pen  cil marks within, but generally very good otherwise. A used, but serviceable copy, not unattractive.  $50.00  


55..... Holyrood.  Holyrood. Its Palace And Its Abbey. 46 Illustrations.  Edinburgh: Sands, (nd ca.1920s).  4to. Green boards designed and lettered in black, purple cloth spine. Shelf wear to edges & corners, a very good copy. 46 Illustrations of the famous Scottish palace and abbey.  $25.00  


56..... House (Suda)  Artistic Photographic Processes.  NY: Amphoto Books, (1981). First paperbound edition.  Paper bound edition, in pictorial wrappers. Colour plates. Light wear to wrappers, a nice clean copy. Cyanotype; Van Dyke Brown; Gum Bichromate; Kwik-Print; Magazine Lifts and Transfers; Fabric and Projection Printing; Copy Machine Art. A highly reg arded book on photographic processes.  $50.00  


57..... Isle Of Man.  Manx Year Book and Directory 1969. The Most Authoritative and Comprehensive Reference Published on Manx Affairs.  Douglas: Norris Modern Press, 1969.  Two-tone printed wrappers. A nice, clean copy. Many illustrated ads throughout.  $20.00   


58..... Isle of Man.  Descriptive and Pictorial Guide to the Isle Of Man. Its Towns and Villages, Mountains and Valleys, Glens and Falls, and All Its Other Charming Features. With Map and Numerous Illustrations.  London, etc.: Ward, Lock, (1899 - 1900).  Red cloth lettered in black. Issued in Ward, Lock & Co.'s Illustrated Guide Books series. A bit of shelf wear, inner front hinge cracking, some wrinkling and fraying to top edge of title page, but a sound very good copy. Large folding map at front, which has one cloth tape repair to the rear. Seven inserted plates, and many illustrations in the text. 296pp. plus 3 sections of ads at the rear, several with dates of 1899-1900.  $50.00  


59..... Italy  The Economic Resources of Italy. Their Development During the Last Twenty-Five Years and Their Present Condition. 1895 - 1920.  Milan: "Credito Italiano" , 1920. First edition.  Two volumes. Brown imitation limp vellum, lettered in gilt. External splitting along hinges, and chipping at edges. Some ties are partially torn off. Otherwise a very good set, and in fine condition internally . A very lavish production, finely prin  ted by Bertieri & Vanzetti, Milan. The History of Italian economics during 1895-1920. Volume 1 contains the text, and copies of many old engravings of many Italian cities, combined with modern panoramic photographic views of the same locations. The  second volume contains dozens of tipped-in photographic illustrations of Italian factories, cities, and geography.  $90.00  


60..... Jones (Miss Whitmore)  Games of Patience for One or More Players. Illustrated.  London: L. Upcott Gill/NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. Second Edition.  Dark green decorative cloth designed in pink, black and light green, lettered in gilt on spine & front cover. Patterned end papers, bearing the publisher's monogram. Frontispiece portrait of the author. Many illustrations of card games throughout. A   bright, clean and handsome copy of this standard work. This edition collects series 1 - 5, with a cumulative index at the rear. 456pp. + ads at rear.  $75.00  


61..... Keller (Dr. David H.)  The Sexual Education Series. Ten Volumes.  NY: Roman, (1928).  Ten Volumes. Small volumes in red wrappers designed and lettered in black. Condition is about fine, in the original cardboard mailing box, with a shipping receipt from 1935. A very nice set of these little books. Keller is best known as a writer of science-fiction & fantasy in the 1920s.  $35.00  


62..... Kelly (Walt)  POGO: Welcome To The Beginning.  Washington: Neighbourhood Youth Core, (1965). GPO : 1965 0-793.  Original decorative red wrappers, stapled. 24pp. Small upper corner chipped from front cover and first page, a bit browned, light edge wear, otherwise fine. An illustrated POGO booklet by Walt Kelly. Lyndon Johnson photo and quotation on inner front wrapper. A number on the upper back cover is: NYC-504. The clip-out Neighbourhood Youth Core ID card is still intact in the back cover.  $35.00  


63..... Krishnamurti (Jiddu)  Krishnamurti's Talks. Ojai - California 1949. (Verbatim Report).  Ojai, California, etc.: Krishnamurti Writings Inc., 1950.  [104]pp. Green wrappers, stapled, lettered in black. Some rusting of staples, browned at edges, pencil name on top of front cover, a few pencil marks in the text; in general, a very good copy.  $20.00  


64..... Lakes (Arthur)  Prospecting for Gold and Silver in North America.  Scranton: Colliery Engineer Co., 1896. Second Edition.  Wine cloth designed in gilt. Floral end papers. Many illustrations, several folding maps & charts. Spotting & discoloration to spine, some dust soiling of cloth, otherwise a nice, bright copy.  $35.00  


65..... Lawrence (Margery)  Ferry Over Jordan.  London: Psychic Book Club, (1944).  Two volumes. Original tan wrappers lettered in black. Minor dust soiling, ownership signature on inner covers, a bit of shelf wear; a very good set. "Special Edition for Psychic Book Club". Not fiction - a treatise on spiritualism.  $20.00  


66..... Lehmkhul (Herman K.)  The Invasion of Norway.  London & Melbourne: Published by the Authority of the Norwegian Government by Hutchinson, (c.1941).  Original wrappers, some wear to spine ends, very good. With 21 illustrations. Issued as A Hutchinson 'Pocket Special'.  $20.00  


67..... Lennad (Roland)  Les Hommes Verts.  Paris: Editions Raymond Schall, (1945).  Oblong stiff wrappers is pictorial dust jacket. The jacket photo is of a group of high-ranking nazi officers. Many photos by Roger Schall. Text printed in red and black. This is an ex-library copy from the San Francisco College for Women. Clear tape  on the spine and fore-edges of the jacket, library numbers in white on front cover, some library markings within, cards pasted to final leaf; generally quite decent otherwise, with moderate chipping to edges. Some graphic photos of nazi atrocities.  $25.00  


68..... Leslie (Mary E.)  The Dawn of Light: A Story of the Zenana Mission. With an Introduction by Rev. E. Storrow.  London: John Snow, 1868.  12mo. Original blind-stamped blue cloth, designed and lettered in gilt. Brown coated end papers. Old stain to front end paper; in general a decent, very good copy. A tale of missionary life in India, Hindu society.  $35.00  


69..... Lochinvar [pseudonym].  Guide to Gretna Green. Romances of Runaway Weddings and Tales of the Blacksmith's Shop. By "Lochinvar".  Carlisle: Nicholson & Cartner, [ca.1930]. Fifth Edition.  Green wrappers designed and lettered in dark green, black spine. Frontispiece & several plates. Preface dated 1923. Some wear to the spine, a very good copy.  $10.00  


70..... Lombard (Louis)  The Art Melodious.  London & NY: F. Tennyson Neely, (1897). Third Edition Augmented.  12mo. Original green pictorial cloth designed in red and dark green, spine lettered and designed in gilt and silver. Top edge gilt. Photographic frontispiece. Some stains to edge of rear cover, a few pencil marks in text, in general a nice bright co py. A general work on all aspects of music. Lombard was the author of a fantasy novel also published by Neely: The Vicious Virtuoso (1898).  $35.00  


71..... MacCauley (Clay)  The Hohenzollern Dynasty; Motive and Movement.  Tokyo, Japan, 1916.  64pp. Brown wrappers lettered in gold. Shelf wear to spine ends, name penned on inner covers; very good otherwise. Historical overview of this Prussian noble house. MacCauley fought in the Civil War, and later became a Unitarian minister.  $35.00  


72..... Macdonald (H.I.) -compiler.  Over 140 Quick Breads or What To Take To That Bake Sale.  np, 2000.  Photocopied sheets, not bound. 66 leaves, printed on rectos only. Never published.  $15.00  


73..... Machinery Lloyd.  Machinery Lloyd. Overseas Edition, Oct. 9, 1948.  London, 1948. Vol. XX, No. 21.  260pp. Yellow pictorial wrappers. Some wear to spine, front cover nearly detached, very good otherwise. Illustrated. One inserted colour ad for Joseph Evans pumps.  $10.00  


74..... Maclean (Joy)  The Guardians. A story of Rhodesia's outposts - and of the men and women who served in them. With line drawings by A.J. Bundock.  Bulawayo: Books of Rhodesia, 1974. First edition.  Green boards lettered in white. [306]pp. Illustrated. A nice clean copy in a slightly worn dust jacket. The history of the Southern Rhodesian Native Department, its serving members and their wives.  $25.00  


75..... Mar (Val de)  Dead Men's Shoes or The One Hundred Per Cent Inheritance Tax.  (San Francisco: Dent, 1920). First edition.  Brown cloth lettered in gilt. Ink stamp on back cover, sticker on front end paper, some shelf wear, a very good copy. This seems to be a work on inheritance and succession, but framed in a science-fiction format: an Iconoclast uses the "Telepsychoph one" also called the "Universal Wireless Tele-psychic-phone" which allows anyone in any part of the country to communicate with anyone else. Mostly in essay format, but with bits of dialogue, stories, etc. A curious work.  $75.00  


76..... Marine Engines.  Marine Engines and Equipment. Text by United States Power Squadrons Engine Maintaince Committee.  Montvale, NJ: United States Power Squadrons, 1978. Sixth edition.  Blue cloth. A nice clean copy. 470pp. Illustrated.  $15.00  


77..... Marksman. (pseudonym).  The Dead Shot or Sportsman's Complete Guide: Being A Treatise on the Use of The Gun... by Marksman.  London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1862. Third edition.  8vo. Original rough green cloth, red leather spine lettered in gilt. Brown coated end papers. Frontispiece and five inserted plates. The end papers contain publisher's ads. Some small chips to cloth and edges of spine, front board somewhat discolour ed, inner hinges cracked; generally a very good copy, with the paper quite fresh. The first edition was published in 1860.  $75.00  


78..... Marsalek (Hans)  Mauthausen. 8.8.1938. 5.5.1945.  Wien: Offsetdruck Max Ungar, [nd 1960s?]  32pp. Stiff oblong pictorial wrappers, stapled. About fine. A visitor's guide to Mauthausen, the Nazi concentration camp in Austria. The camp was turned into a memorial after the liberation. Includes a plan, many graphic photographic images.  $15.00  


79..... Marx (Arthur)  Groucho.  London: Gollancz, 1954. First edition, second impression before publication.  Orange boards, spine lettered in gold. Frontispiece & numerous photographic illustrations. A nice copy in a slightly worn dust jacket, some small chips and tears to upper edge. A biography by the son of Groucho Marx.  $15.00  


80..... McCusker (Brian)  The Quest For Quarks  Cambridge, etc.: Cambridge University Press, (1983).  Blue boards lettered and designed in black & white. 160pp. A Clean copy.  $15.00  


81..... McLuhan (Marshall)  Counter-Blast. Designed by Harley Parker.  Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, (1969). First Canadian edition.  Original black boards, spine lettered in silver and purple. Brown end papers. Illustrated, and with some nice, unusual typography. Light spotting of boards, one small stain at base of cover, otherwise about fine in a slightly used dust jacket, piece  chipped from upper front cover, affecting the title, some short tears at folds, very good otherwise.  $20.00  


82..... Niklaus (Thelma)  Harlequin Phoenix or The Rise and Fall of a Bergamask Rogue.  London: The Bodley Head, (1956). First edition.  Yellow boards, spine lettered in black. Some discoloration of boards, jacket browned at edges and rear panel, small stains; in general, a decent, very good copy. Numerous illustrations, some in colour, one folding. Dust jacket art by Mervyn Peake. T races the colourful history of this dramatic clown through the ages.  $50.00  


83..... Novak (Dr. Viktor)  Latinska Paleografija.  Beograd [Belglrade], 1952.  356pp. Gray cloth lettered in gilt. Profusely illustrated with facsimiles of early latin inscriptions, manuscripts, graves, etc. An extensive work, with notes & index. Text entirely in Jugoslavian.  $45.00  


84..... Pardee (Jean)  The Yale Man Up To Date. With Character Sketches.  New Haven: Price, Lee & Adkins, 1894. First edition.  12mo. Blue buckram designed and lettered in gilt. beveled edges, top edge gilt. Frontispiece & several plates, as well as small vignette illustrations. First signature starting, popped out a bit, trifling shelf wear, a little rubbing to back cover, otherwise a nice bright copy. A pleasant little book. The illustrations are from drawings, engravings and photographs, by at least 10 different contributors.  $45.00  


85..... Perkins (W. Frank) -editor.  A New Forest Bibliography.  Lymington: C.T. King/Southampton: H.M. Gilbert & Sons, 1935. Second Edition.  30pp. Small green wrappers, stapled, lettered in black. Some rusting of the staples, browned at edges, very good. This is enlarged from the first edition, which was issued in 1925 under the editorship of Heywood Sumner. Includes New Forest fiction, also Anonyma. A useful little checklist, and quite uncommon.  $35.00  


86..... Philip (Robert Kemp) [issued anonymously].  The Reason Why. A Careful Collection of Many Hundreds of Reasons for Things Which, Though Generally Believed, Are Imperfectly Understood. General Science.  London: Houlston and Wright, [1858]. New Edition.  Original blind-stamped dark green cloth, spine and part of front cover designed and lettered in gilt. Pale yellow end papers. Many illustrations in the text. Some pen notes on end papers, shelf wear to edges and spine, tear along upper front hinge; about very good. The first edition was published in 1857; this one is undated, but bears an ownership inscription dated 1858. General knowledge about science.  $35.00  


87..... Pierson (Arthur T.)  Catharine of Siena. An Ancient Lay Preacher. A Story of Sanctified Womanhood and Power in Prayer.  NY & London: Funk & Wagnalls, 1898. First edition.  Brown cloth designed and lettered in red and black. Dust soiling of cloth, old stain to upper spine area, internally very nice; a very good copy in general. A biographical work about Catharine of Siena, who died in 1380.  $20.00  


88..... Pratt (Anne)  The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain. In Three Volumes. [with] The Grasses, Sedges, and Ferns of Great Britain.  London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [ca.1860 & 1871].  Four volumes, green half-calf & floral decorative boards, green floral end papers, spines ruled, designed and lettered in gilt. All volumes are similarly titled on the spine: FLOWERING PLANTS OF GT BRITAIN. Contemporary decorative bookplates on the fixed end papers of each volume. All edges trimmed. Modest shelf wear to lower edges, minor rubbing and scuffing of boards, moderate sunning of the leather on the spines, a very fresh and attractive set indeed. Flowering Plants... contains 242 plates: 1 uncoloured and 241 printed in colour; Grasses... contains 76 plates printed in colour. This copy was bound from the periodical parts, as there are stitch holes in the blank margins of many of the plates. Internally all volumes are very fresh and clean, with a tiny amount of foxing to a few ... $1200.00  


89..... Press (M.) [pseudonym].  Pen and Ink Sketches from "PUNCH".  1859 - 1879.  This is a green morocco album, untitled, square 8vo. Spine ruled and designed in gilt. Marbled end papers. Some rubbing at edges, very good condition. It contains 25 original pen & ink sketches, evidently copied from drawings in PUNCH from 1859 - 1879. The artist has signed and dated each drawing, using the pseudonym "M. Press". The drawings are highly finished, and of excellent quality. We have been able to locate several of them in issues of PUNCH (i.e. the Cat & Mouse scene from the May 5, 1860 issue, page 181) here re-captioned: "The Balcony Scene, in 'Romeo and Juliet'."  Included are photocopies of three pages from PUNCH (all 1860) which bear the originals from which these drawings were evidently derived. Most of these measure about 4" X 6" and the album measures about 6" X 8". All the images are mounted, glued into the album. They are all quite clean and free from discoloration. Many of the subjects are ani... $500.00  


90..... Rajki (Bela)  The Technique of Competitive Swimming.  Budapest: Pannonia, (1956)  Pictorial boards, blue-green cloth spine lettered in gilt. [90]pp. text plus many folding photographic plates. A bit of wear to edges, boards slightly marked, a very good copy. Translated from the original Hungarian book: A VERSENYUSZAS TECHNIKAJA. Translated by Laszlo Gondor. Photographs by Bela Rajki.  $25.00  


91..... Rees (Ed)  The Manned Missile. The Story of the B-70.  NY:  Duell, Sloan and Pearce, (1960). First edition.  Blue cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Photographic frontispiece. A very nice, clean copy in a pictorial dust jacket, very lightly worn, and with the spine lettering somewhat faded. The story of the controversial B-70 aircraft.  $20.00  


92..... Reinig (Marshall and Anita) -editors.  The Fur Farm Guide Book. Vol. 1.  Duluth: Fur Farm Publications, 1955.  Large format, red boards lettered in silver. Front end paper removed, name in pen on front cover, and recipes in pen on the rear end paper; otherwise very good. 202pp. Many illustrations, indexed.  A complete guide to setting up and operating a fur farm.  $20.00  


93..... Russell (Bertrand)  Justice In War Time.  Chicago & London: Open Court, 1916. First American edition.  Blue cloth lettered in gilt. Spine a bit darkened, a couple of page corners folded, but a nice clean copy. Portrait photo of Russell laid in.  $45.00  


94..... Salter (T.F.)  The Angler's Guide, being A New, Plain, and Complete Practical Treatise on the Art of Angling for Sea, River and Pond Fish... to which is now first added, The Author's Celebrated Treatise on Trolling... with Numerous Cuts and Engravings.  London: Printed for the Author by R. Carpenter and Son, (1823). Fifth Edition, Carefully Corrected and Enlarged.  Contemporary boards, printed label on spine. Inner hinges taped, the spine perhaps renewed at an early date, some chipping to the label; in general a very good copy with the paper generally quite fresh and not foxed. There is a long tear in page 255 , affecting one cut and some text, but it closes up, and everything is legible. 8vo. Two full-page plates precede the title, plus there are four full-page plates of angling apparatus. Many cuts throughout, several are full-page. One map at the rear.  First published in 1814, this book saw many editions. This fifth edition is the first to include the section on Trolling, which was f... $100.00  


95..... Schaffrath (Heinrich Daniel)  Die Euthanasie. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwurde bei der hohen medizinischen Fakultat zu Bonn, eingereicht und mit Thesen am 17. April 1869 vertheidigt... Namen der Opponenten: Friedr. Schaffrath.. Wilh. Heuer.. Max Schaffrath.  Bonn: J.F. Carthaus, 1869.  [32]pp. + 1 errata leaf at rear. Dust soiled, very good. This is a small pamphlet which has been bound at one time, and removed from the binding, leaving sewing marks at the spine. A dissertation on euthanasia.  $35.00  


96..... Schilliger (Josef)  Der Heilige Der Atombombe. Die Geschichte des Dr. Takashi Nagai, packend erzahlt in der Arena-Jugenbuchreihe. Vorbilder der Jugend.  Wurzburg: Arena-Verlag, (1954). 2nd edition.  110pp. + 1 leaf of publisher's ads at rear. Pale yellow boards designed in blue on front cover, blue cloth spine lettered in silver. Some stains to boards, inscription on end paper dated 1954, very good. 2. Auflage 1954; the second edition. An Engli sh edition appeared in 1955, published by Newman Press, Westminster, Md., under the title: The Saint Of The Atom Bomb. A biographical work about Dr. Takashi Nagai.  $35.00  


97..... Schulze (R)  Experimental Psychology and Pedagogy. For Teachers, Normal Colleges, and Universities. Translated by Rudolf Pintner.  NY: Macmillan, 1912. First American edition.  Blue cloth lettered in gilt. Shelf wear to lower edge, marks from the Provincial Library, Victoria, BC; remains of a sticker on the spine; in general a very clean and fresh copy overall. A fascinating account of many psychological experiments, with many illustrations from photographs and drawings, also charts. A reprint was done in 1998.  $40.00  


98..... Schuster (Meinhard)  Die Maler vom May River.  Basel: 1969.  20pp. Colour pictorial wrappers. Several colour plates illustrating art and objects from this region of New Guinea. Text in German. "Separatdruck aus (palette) nr. 33, 1969. Herausgegeben von der Firma SANDOZ AG, Basel (Schweiz).  $20.00  


99..... Scott (Sir Sibbald David)  The British Army: Its Origin, Progress, and Equipment. Volume 1.  London & NY: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, 1868.  Original wine cloth stamped in gilt. VOLUME ONE ONLY. There were 3 volumes in the complete set, but we offer here only the first volume of the set. Lower edge is dampstained, with damage to covers and end papers, and stains to a few leaves; internally the book is in fairly clean and decent condition for the most part, with foxing to a few plates. There are 46 inserted plates, many of ancient armour, swords, chain mail and the like.  $35.00  


100.... Serviss (Garrett P.)  The Einstein Theory of Relativity. With Illustrations and Photos taken directly from The Einstein Relativity Film. Illustrations by R.D. Crandall of Max Fleischer's Out-of-the-Inkwell Studio.  NY: Edwin Miles Fadman, (1923). 2nd Printing.  96pp. Light brown cloth, spine lettered in red, front cover designed in red, blue and brown. Frontispiece and many illustrations in the text. Cartoon figure and lettering in blue on back cover. Spine dented, light shelf wear, a clean very good copy.  Also issued in wrappers; this cloth issue is less common.  $45.00  


101.... Sextus (Carl)  Hypnotism. Its Facts, Theories and Related Phenomena, with Explanatory Anecdotes, Descriptions and Reminiscences. Illustrated.  Boston: Page, 1917. Fifth Revised Edition.  Grey cloth designed and lettered in red and black. Frontispiece and many illustrations. Some soiling of cloth, wear to the spine, about very good. A substantial, illustrated work on hypnotism.  $25.00  


102.... Smith (F. Berkeley)  The Real Latin Quarter. With Illustrations by The Author. Introduction and Frontispiece by F. Hopkinson Smith.  NY: Funk & Wagnalls, 1901. First edition.  Light brown pictorial cloth designed in brown, white, red and black. Frontispiece & many illustrations, several in colour. Spine a bit darkened, some shelf wear to spine ends, small stain to lower front board, but a decent copy in handsome illustrated cloth. A survey of this celebrated part of Paris.  $25.00  


103.... Smith (Samuel, M.P.)  The Bi-Metallic Question.  London: Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, 1887.  [146]pp. Green cloth lettered in gilt on the front cover. Inner front hinge a bit loose, but a nice clean copy. Within is a tipped-in slip stating: "This paper was prepared for the Conference on International Law held at London in 1879."  sold  


104.... Sound Drifting. Martin Breindl et al.  Sound Drifting. I Silenzi Parlano Tra Loro.  Wien: Triton Verlag, 2000.  48pp.  A square book in colour stapled wrappers, bearing a multi-coloured checkerboard design. Contains 2 CDs which slip into slots on the inner covers. Heavily illustrated. Fine condition. A print publication with an introductory text; reports and images from 15  locations in Australia, Europe and North America. From the Kunstradio site: [ http://kunstradio.at/SD/ ] : "Sound Drifting: I Silenzi Parlano Tra Loro was an interdependent temporary system of 16 international remote sub-projects, wh ich used a wide range of methods and approaches to the generation, processing and presentation of data/sounds/images to form a nine-day long continuous on line - on site - on air sound installation on the occasion of the ars electronica festival '99 .  $25.00  


105.... Springs (Elliott White) -editor.  War Birds. Diary of an Unknown Aviator.  [np/np]: (1951).  Colour pictorial wrappers. Light wear, but fine. Illustrated. Original cover price of 25 cents. An unabridged reprint of this famous WWI aviation work, as originally published in LIBERTY Magazine. The authentic diary of Lieutenant John MacDougal Gri der, an aviator who was shot down and killed in the Great War.  $15.00  


106.... Stephenson (E. Frank)  Evolution, and the Cost of the Human. An Address (Originally prepared for the Civic League of New Orleans). Giving a Sketch of the Development of The Earch From Chaos to Yesterday. The Haunting Cry of the Mighty Past. The Hope of the Future.  St. Louis: The Author, (1911). First edition.  Original blue-green wrappers, front cover lettered in black. 90pp. Lacking the spine and back wrapper, edges chipped, ownership signature and date on front wrapper; about very good otherwise. A curious blend of science, religion and philosophy. Unco mmon.  $45.00  


107.... Stockwood (Mervyn)  Christianity and Marxism. Three Lectures Given in the University Church of St. Mary, Oxford.  London: S.P.C.K., 1949.  [64]pp. Purple & white wrappers, sstapled. Moderate wear & soiling, a very good copy.  $10.00  


108.... Sullivan (Frank)  Teng, Master of Batik. (Title of biographical article within catalogue).  Malaysia: Printed by Phoenix Press, (ca.1963).  Decorative wrappers, oblong, 32pp. An art catalogue produced by the Yahong Gallery in Penang, Malaysia. Numerous b&w illustrations, and some tipped-in colour plates. Includes a biography of the artist, Chuah Thean Teng, and articles on the origin & history of Batik. Unusual.  $45.00  


109.... Sutton (Margaret)  We Love You Beatles.  NY: Doubleday, 1971. First edition.  Oblong pictorial boards. Small erasure from half-title leaf, but a fine copy in a very slightly rubbed & worn dust jacket. A very nice copy of this psychedelic Beatles book.  $75.00  


110.... Theodore (Sister Mary, S.S.A.)  Heralds of Christ the King. Missionary Record of the North Pacific 1837 - 1878.  NY: Kenedy, 1939.  Red textured cloth lettered in gilt. Illustrated with plates. Original glassine present. A like-new copy in the original box with printed title label. The box shows some darkening and light wear, but the book is in perfect shape.  $50.00  


111.... Thomson (William) [published anonymously].  A Sketch of the Present State of France. By an English Gentleman, Who Escaped from Paris in the Month of May Last.  London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1805.  8vo. 124pp. Disbound, removed from a leather binding, parts of which still cling to the spine. No ads. Ownership signature on title, occasional foxing, decent otherwise. Published anonymously; author attribution from RLIN. Details of life in Paris, by a British author.  $75.00  


112.... Tolstoy (Leo)  (Tolstoi)  Some Social Remedies. Socialism, Anarchy, Henry Georgism and The Land Question, Communism, Etc. Collected From the Recent and Unpublished Writings of Leo Tolstoy.  Christchurch, Hants.: The Free Age Press, 1900.  40pp. Green wrappers printed in brown. Ownership stamp on front end paper, small note in pen and some smudges to wrappers; in general a very good copy of this small booklet.  $50.00  


113.... Torriente (Lolo de la)  Testimonio Desde Dentro.  Habana: Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1985.  [496]pp. Original wrappers. A thick paperback. Small picture of the author on the back cover. Fore-edge spotted, minor wear to wrappers, a very good copy. Torriente, a Cuban novelist, essayist, art critic and historian, was secretary to Diego Rivera , and author of "Memoria Y Razon de Diego Rivera" (1959).  $15.00  


114.... Tronson (Louis)  Examens Particuliers sur Divers Sujets, propres aux Ecclesiastiques... Nouvelle Edition, Revue, Corrigee, Augmentee... par MM. de Saint-Sulpice.  Paris: Mequignon Junior, Libraire de la Faculte de Theologie, 1827. New Edition.  8vo. [490]pp. Full calf, spine ruled and lettered in gilt. Marbled end papers and edges. Front hinge cracked, spine loose at the front hinge, wear to tips, white library number on spine; very good otherwise. Half-title: "Oeuvres DE TRONSON, Superieu r du Seminaire de Saint-Sulpice."  On diverse subjects relevant to Ecclesiastics. LC lists a 2-volume Paris edition of 1785. From an online Catholic encyclopedia: "M. Tronson (1622-1700), whose "Examens particuliers" is a masterpiece of spiritual ps ychology and whose "Forma cleri", treatise on obedience, and other works are useful to the clergy..."  $35.00  


115.... Waller (Lena K.)  Munkacsy's Bench-Chest.  Los Angeles: Boulevard Press, 1947. First edition.  Brown boards lettered in gilt. [112]pp. Illustrated with plates. A few smudges to margins, a very good copy. Of the great Hungarian painter Munkacsy Mihaly.  $10.00  


116.... Walsh (Joseph M.)  Coffee. Its History, Classification adn Description.  Philadelphia: Coates, (1894).  Blue-green cloth lettered in white, ruled in red. Frontispiece & several plates. White lettering partly rubbed from spine, some small scuffs, but a very good copy.  $75.00  


117.... Wilcox (Henry S.)  The Trials of a Stump-Speaker. A Series of Sketches and Humorous Incidents the Happened During the Many Years' Experience of the Author, and Particularly During the Campaign of 1888.  NY: Ogilvie, (1906).  Green pictorial cloth designed and lettered in black. 124pp. + 2 leaves of publisher's ads at rear. A couple of page corners folded over, otherwise a nice clean, very good copy. Various editions of this book exist from 1906, and priority is uncertai n.  $25.00  


118.... Woodward (S.P.)  A Manual of the Mollusca. Being a Treatise on Recent and Fossil Shells... With an Appendix of Recent and Fossil Conchological Discoveries by Ralph Tate... Illustrated by A.N. Waterhouse and Joseph Wilson Lowry.  London: Crosby, Lockwood and Son, 1890.  A reprint of the Fourth Edition (1880).  Original green cloth designed in gilt on the spine and front cover. Top edge gilt. Black coated end papers. Frontispiece and many plates, as well as drawings in the text. Folding map present at pg. 52. Two parts in one, 542pp. + 86pp. + two publishe r's catalogues at the rear. Trifling shelf wear, but a very clean and attractive copy.  $100.00 


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