The large base of the sculpture presents the water upon which the boat moves. It a piece of discarded 150 year old quarter sawn oak from England. (This reminds one of the anthem, "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves…") The grains in the wood are shaped in such a way as to depict a large wake left by the boat. Sprinkled fluorescent, gold and silver sparckles are embedded in the grains of the wake. These sparckles would be the poisons left behind by the dispersion of armed technology; specifically, the depleted uranium in Iraq and Yugoslavia.
The inscription on the side of the boat reads, "USS ROGUE". From the concise Oxford dictionary we get:
Rogue: n.
During a radio interview in January 1999, Noam Chomsky, a linguist, said that in the true sense of the word, the best practicing example of 'rogue' is the nation of the United States of America and its buddies. Recently, the US has changed the term to 'nations of concern'.